Nikolaos SgourakisMSc student.nsgourakis biol.uoa.gr |
2004-now: MSc student at the Bioinformatics Post-graduate Program that takes place at the Faculty of Biology, University of Athens.
2000-2004: Undergraduate student of Biology (BSc), at the University of Athens.
Diploma Thesis: "Prediction of GPCRs coupling specificity to G-proteins using refined profile Hidden Markov Models"
Supervisor: Professor Stavros Hamodrakas
1.Protein functional assignment using sequence-based Methods.
2. Applications of Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural Networks as classifiers of Biological sequences. Example: Prediction of GPCRs coupling specificity to G-proteins.
3.Protein fold recognition.
4.Cellular Simulations.
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Sgourakis NG, Bagos PG, Hamodrakas SJ. (2005) Prediction of the coupling specificity of GPCRs to four families of G-proteins using hidden Markov models and artificial neural networks.
Bioinformatics, 21(22):4101-6.
Sgourakis, N.G., Bagos, P.G., Papasaikas, P.K. and Hamodrakas, S.J. (2005) A
method for the prediction of GPCRs coupling specificity to G-proteins using
refined profile Hidden Markov Models. BMC Bioinformatics, 6:104.