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High quality visual representation of transmembrane protein models
The 'TransMembrane protein Re-Presentation in 2 Dimensions' tool, automates the creation of uniform, two-dimensional, high analysis graphical images/models of alpha-helical or beta-barrel transmembrane proteins. Protein sequence data and structural information may be acquired from public protein knowledge bases, emanate from prediction algorithms, or even be defined by the user.  Several important biological and physical sequence attributes can be embedded in the graphical representation.
Our method offers several characteristic unique features:

* Visualization of both alpha-helix and beta-barrel transmembrane proteins.
* 'One-step' data input procedure, including easy querying of the public databases and incorporation of output from various popular prediction tools available from the Web.
* Accurate dimensions of the molecule elements, with adjustable scaling.
* Representation of any available biological and physical attributes, using chromatic and symbolic variations (e.g. disulfide bridges, signal peptide).
* Ability to easily incorporate custom, user-defined annotations for any aminoacid residue.
* Wide variety of supported vector and bitmap-based image formats.
* Integrated graphical user interface.
* Intelligible and elegantly styled depiction.

Please cite as:
Ioannis C. Spyropoulos, Theodore D. Liakopoulos, Pantelis G. Bagos and Stavros J. Hamodrakas
TMRPres2D: high quality visual representation of transmembrane protein models
Bioinformatics. 2004; 20: 3258-3260.

Designed for viewing with Internet Explorer 4 or above, Netscape 6 or above.
contact: spyropbiol.uoa.gr
athina University of Athens
Faculty of Biology
Dept. of Cell Biology and Biophysics
& Bioinformatics