gpDB: a database of GPCRs, G-proteins, Effectors and their interactions
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Entries for G-protein Type: Galpha-q
GPR0002 Galpha-q-Homo sapiens-2
GPR0233 Galpha-q-Canis familiaris
GPR0234 Galpha-q-Drosophila melanogaster
GPR0235 Galpha-q-Geodia cydonium
GPR0236 Galpha-q-Homarus americanus
GPR0237 Galpha-q-Homo sapiens-1
GPR0238 Galpha-q-Loligo forbesi
GPR0239 Galpha-q-Lymnaea stagnalis
GPR0240 Galpha-q-Mus musculus
GPR0241 Galpha-q-Patinopecten yessoensis
GPR0242 Galpha-q-Rattus norvegicus
GPR0243 Galpha-q-Xenopus laevis
GPR0407 Galpha-q-Panulirus argus
GPR0410 Galpha-q-Mamestra brassicae
GPR0413 Galpha-q-Bombyx mori
GPR0415 Galpha-q-Limulus polyphemus
GPR0417 Galpha-q-Penaeus vannamei
GPR0418 Galpha-q-Anopheles gambiae

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athina University of Athens
Faculty of Biology
Dept. of Cell Biology and Biophysics
& Bioinformatics