Some of these pages will require a password. As soon as you are accepted in the Programme you will be given a user account. Those willing to attend the Programme, may be interested to study the suggested literature.
1. Announcements
November 10, 2015
The 'MSc in Bioinformatics' and its web site were presented at the 10th Conference of the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (HSCBB) - HSCBB15.:
Presentation of the Bioinformatics-related postgraduate study programs in Greece from their Directors
Constantinos Vorgias, Elias Manolakos, Polydefkis Hatzopoulos, Zoi
Lygerou, Elias Zintzaras, Pantelis Bagos
Given the pace of development in bioinformatics and the urgent need to assemble a worldwide collective effort to convert the raw data collected from the various genome projects into meaningful and useful biological information, there is a growing need for highly specialized personnel in the field. The traditional degrees offered by the Hellenic Universities do not at the moment fulfil this need and there is room for a postgraduate programme suitable for current science graduates giving them a fast track to the tools and knowledge needed for active research in both academia and industry. The postgraduate bioinformatics programme at the University of Athens (UOA) takes an interdisciplinary approach and brings together some of the leading figures from the Hellenic bioinformatics community. Teaching staff are selected from existing UOA departments including Cell Biology and Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Informatics. In addition to these inter-departmental collaborations the programme takes personnel from other Universities/research centres making this a truly unique and timely effort. The programme leading to the qualification of M.Sc from the UOA takes the form of a four semester taught. The first semester covering the basics of molecular biology and computational methods prepares the students for a more detailed investigation of specific bioinformatics tools in the second semester. In the third semester, students are also given a choice of optional courses to customise their specific interests. The third and fourth semesters also include a research project, which leads to a Msc Diploma Thesis. Potential applicants are invited to view the information and admissions procedure which we have assembled together on the World Wide Web at the URL: http://bioinformatics.biol.uoa.gr/msc/
April 20 2003
The 'MSc in Bioinformatics' and its web site will be presented at the 25th Panhellenic Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Biological Sciences. The abstract of the presentation follows:
Bashir, A., Alexopoulos, I., Liakopoulos, Th., Bagos, P., Iconomidou, V., Katsaloulis, P., Litou, Z., Papandreou, N., Pavlou, K., Promponas, V, Hamodrakas, I. and Hamodrakas, S.
Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Athens 157 01
Given the pace of development in bioinformatics and the urgent need to assemble a worldwide collective effort to convert the raw data collected from the various genome projects into meaningful and useful biological information, there is a growing need for highly specialized personnel in the field. The traditional degrees offered by the Hellenic Universities do not at the moment fulfil this need and there is room for a postgraduate programme suitable for current science graduates giving them a fast track to the tools and knowledge needed for active research in both academia and industry. The postgraduate bioinformatics programme at the University of Athens (UOA) takes an interdisciplinary approach and brings together some of the leading figures from the Hellenic bioinformatics community. Teaching staff are selected from existing UOA departments including Cell Biology and Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Informatics. In addition to these inter-departmental collaborations the programme takes personnel from other Universities/research centres making this a truly unique and timely effort. The programme leading to the qualification of M.Sc from the UOA takes the form of a three semester taught. The first semester covering the basics of molecular biology and computational methods prepares the students for a more detailed investigation of specific bioinformatics tools in the second semester where students are also given a choice of optional courses to customise their specific interests. The third semester is concluded by a research project. Potential applicants, for the first intake to begin in October 2003, are invited to view the information and admissions procedure which we have assembled together on the World Wide Web at the URL: http://bioinformatics.biol.uoa.gr/msc/
April 23 2003
- 2. Students E-Mail addresses
- Students Email directory will be available by password access from here at the begining of the new academic year.
- Students online course material will be available by password access here .
- 4. Interesting news
- 5. Suggested Bibliography
"Biological sequence analysis"
Probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic acids
Authors: R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison
Cambridge University Press 1998
ISBN 0 521 62971 3
"Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition"
Author: Christofer M. Bishop
"Oxford University Press "
ISBN 0 19 853864 2
"Computer Analysis of Genetic Macromolecules"
Structure, Function and Evolution
Authors: N .A. Kolchanov, H.A. Lim
World Scientific
ISBN 981 02 1378 6
"Introduction to Computational Biology"
Maps, sequences and genomes
Interdisciplinary Statistics
Author: Michael S. Waterman
Chapman & Hall/CRC
ISBN 0 412 99391 0
The machine learning approach
Second Edition
Authors: Pierre Baldi & Soren Brunak
The MIT Press
ISBN 0 262 02506 X
Methods and Protocols
Authors: Stephen Mineser & Stephen A. Krawetz
Humana Press Inc.
ISBN 0 89603 732 0
"Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics"
First Edition
Author: James D. Tisdall
O' Reilly
ISBN 0 596 00080 4
Ένας πρακτικός οδηγός για την ανάλυση γονιδίων και πρωτεϊνών
Second Edition
Authors: Andreas D. Baxevanis & B. F. Francis
ISBN 0 471 38391 0
"Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills"
Authors: Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambeck
O' Reilly
ISBN 1 56592 664 1
"Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology"
Authors: Meidanis & Setubal
PWS Publishing Company
ISBN 0 534 95262 3
"Introduction to Bioinformatics"
Authors: Teresa K. Attwood
David J. Parry-Smith
ISBN 0 582 327881
"Protein Structure Prediction"
A Practical Approach
Author: Michael J. E. Sternberg
IRL Press
ISBN 0 19 963496 3
"Sequence, structure and databanks"
Authors: Des Higgins & Willie Taylor
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0 19 963790 3
Sequence and Genome Analysis
Author: David W. Mount
CSHL Press
ISBN 0 87969 597 8
"C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic"
Second Edition
by Valluru Rao & Hayagriva Rao
ISBN 1 55851 552 6
"Stuctural Bioinformatics"
Author: Philip E. Bourne, Helge Weissig
ISBN 0471 20199 5
"Structural Biomaterials"
Author: Julian Vincent
Princeton University Press
ISBN 691025134
"Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 5th Edition"
Author: Bernard Rosner
Duxbury Press
ISBN 534370683
"Protein Structure and Function"
Second Edition
Author: Ringe Petsko
Blackwell Science
ISBN 1405119225
"Learning Perl 3rd Edition (2003)"
Author: Schartz
O' Reilly
ISBN 0596001320
"Molecular Modeling''
Principles and Applications
Second Edition
Author: Andrew R. Leach
"Prentice - Hall, Inc. "
ISBN 0 582 38210 6
''Sequence Analysis Primer''
Authors: Michael Gribskov
John Devereux
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0 19 509874 9
''Statistics for Biology and Health''
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
An Introduction
Authors: Warren J. Ewens & Gregory R. Grant
ISBN 0 387 95229 2 (alk. paper)
''Pattern Recognition''
Authors: Sergios Theodoridis & Konstantinos Koutroumbas
Academic Press
ISBN 0 12 686140 4
''Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics''
Authors: Dan E. Krane , Michael L. Raymer & Benjamin Cummings
ISBN 0 8053 4633 3
''DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression''
From Experiments to Data Analysis and Modeling
Authors: Pierre Baldi & G. Wesley Hatfield
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 0 521 80022 6 (hardback)
''Introduction to Protein Architecture''
Author: Arthur M. Lesk
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0 19 850474 8 (Pbk)
''Genetics Databases''
Author: Martin J. Bishop
Academic Press
ISBN 0 12 101625 0
''Comparative Genomics''
"Empirical and Analytical Approaches to Gene Order Dynamics, Map Alignment and the Evolution of Gene Families"
Authors: David Sankoff & Joseph H. Nadeau
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0 7923 6583 6 (HB)
ISBN 0 7923 6584 4 (PB)
''Computational Molecular Biology''
An Algorithmic Approach
Author: Pavel A. Pevzner
The MIT Press
ISBN 0 262 16197 4 (hc. : alk. paper)
''Computational Molecular Biology''
An Introduction
Authors: Peter Clote & Rolf Backofen
ISBN 0 471 87252 0
''Current Topics in Computational Molecular Biology''
Authors: Tao Jiang & Ying Xu
Michael Q. Zhang
The MIT Press
ISBN 0 262 10092 4 (hc. : alk. paper)
''Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data''
"Tools, Techniques and Applications"
Authors: Jason T. L. Wang & Bruce A. Shapiro
Dennis Shasha
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0 19 511940 1
''Post-genome Informatics''
Author: Minoru Kanehisa
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0 19 850326 1 (Pbk)
ISBN 0 19 850327 X (Hbk)
"Bioinformatics for dummies"
by Jean-Michel Claverie and Cedric Notredame
Wiley Publishing, Inc
ISBN 0 7645 1696 5
Author: Misirlis
"Biology of Fibrous Composites, Development Beyond the cell membrane"
Author: Anthony C. Neville
Cambridge Univ Pres
ISBN 521410517
"Introduction to Bioinformatics"
Author: Arthur Lesk
Oxford University Press
ISBN 199251967
"Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology"
Author: Dan Gusfield
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 0521585198
"Perl in a Nutshell"
Author: Siever
O' Reilly
ISBN 0596002416
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