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Οι υπεύθυνοι για τη διδασκαλία των μαθημάτων του Προγράμματος προέρχονται από διάφορα Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, και συμμετέχουν ενεργά σε ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες.

Βιογραφικά σημειώματα:

Πληροφορίες για τον κάθε διδάσκοντα, την τρέχουσα ερευνητική του δραστηριότητα και τις δημοσιεύσεις του μπορείτε να δείτε ακολουθώντας τους συνδέσμους αριστερά, η επιλέγοντας από τον πιο κάτω πίνακα.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες δίνονται παρακάτω:

Βιογραφικά σημειώματα: ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΧΑΤΖΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ
Θέση στο Έργο Διδάσκων
Θέση στο Ίδρυμα

Καθ. Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών, ΕΚΠΑ

Προπτυχιακοί τίτλοι σπουδών Πτυχίο Μαθηματικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
Μεταπτυχιακοί τίτλοι σπουδών

M.Sc in Computer Science, Loughborough University of Technology

Ph.D in Computer Science, Loughborough University of Technology

Ειδικές γνώσεις στα γνωστικά αντικείμενα του ΝΠΜΣ Multimedia Databases and Applications, Multimedia repository management, Multimedia Indexing, Temporal Databases, Hypermedia Applications, Object Oriented Databases, Parallel Database Machines, Physical Database Design and tuning.
Γνώσεις στη χρήση νέων τεχνολογιών Γνώστης χειρισμού και προγραμματισμού Η/Υ. Γνώστης δημιουργίας δικτύων Η/Υ. Εγκατάσταση και χρήση λειτουργικών συστημάτων σε Η/Υ. Επεξεργασίας και παρουσίασης μαθημάτων στο διαδίκτυο. Εγκατάσταση και χρήση πολυμέσων. Προγραμματισμός και Σχεδιασμός Βάσεων Δεδομένων.
Εμπειρία σε ερευνητικά προγράμματα

1)COSMOS: Cluster of Systems of Metadata for Official Statistics (IST-2000-26050). (September 2001 until September 2003). Project manager of the University of Athens group.

2)MISSION: Multi-agent Integration of Shared Statistical Information over the (inter)Net. (IST-1999-10655). (January 2000 until December 2002). Project manager of the University of Athens group.

3)ADDSIA: Access to Distributed Databases for Statistical Information and Analysis, ESPRIT project 22950. Project manager of the University of Athens group.

4)MEMOIR: Managing Enterprise-scale Multimedia using Open framework for Information Reuse, ESPRIT project 22153. Project manager of the University of Athens group.

5)HILDE: Creation of a platform for the development of educational software using multimedia technologies. Project manager of the University of Athens group. (ESPRIT II).

6)'ORES-Towards the first generation of database management systems', ESPRIT III 7224. Project manager of the University of Athens group. The project lasted from 1992 until 1994.

7)'ILDIC a CEC project within DELTA program (D2012). Project manager of the University of Athens group. A three year project that finished on December 1994.

8)'Open Standards for Multimedia Optical Storage Environment', OSMOSE (6788) project within ESPRIT II. Project manager of the University of Athens group. The project finished 1st November 1994.

9)'Office Automation in the Greek PTT', a project supported by the Greek PTT. Member of the research team of the University of Athens (1990-1993).

10)'Parallel Computing Action'. Under this EEC program a proposal was made (based on the results of SPAN) for developing a parallel SQL processor to run on a Transputer based system. The proposal was accepted by the EEC and the University of Athens has been awarded a grant to buy a parallel system. The system was installed in January 1991.

11)'Open Standards for Multimedia Optical Storage Environment', OSMOSE I (5656) project within ESPRIT II. The project lasted from October 1990 till October 1991 and our group developed a multimedia data handler on top of UNIX (1990-1991).

12)'European Declarative Systems', EDS (EP 2025) tip project within the ESPRIT II program. Member of the research group of the University of Athens. The group worked in the development of applications using parallel PROLOG on architectures examined in the EDS environment (1989-1992).

13)'BIOLAB-Biomedical Laboratory' an AIM project. The project lasted from 1989 until 1991 and I was project manager.

14)'Standard Authoring facilities Environment' SAFE project (D1014) in the EEC program DELTA Manager of the University of Athens research group. Under this program we developed a Hypermedia database (1989-1991).

15)'Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems', project supported by the EEC program COST 11ter. Manager of the participation of the University of Athens (1986-1988).

16)'Parallel Computing Systems for Integrated Symbolic and Numeric Processing' SPAN ESPRIT 1588 project. Participation in the team of the University of Athens for the development of a database management system for the architectures supported by the SPAN environment (1987-1990).

17)'Design and Evaluation of Parallel Algorithms', program supported by the Greek Ministry of Research. Manager of the project in collaboration with N.Missirlis (1985-1987).

18)'Algorithms Architectures and their Classification', ESPRIT pilot program 0144528, in collaboration with the Research Institute of Ireland (1982-1984).

Σύνολο δημοσιεύσεων (αριθμός) 64
Σύνολο αναφορών (αριθμός)  
Δέκα τίτλοι δημοσιεύσεων στα γνωστικά αντικείμενα του ΝΠΜΣ τρεις εκ των οποίων έγιναν τη τελευταία 5-ετία, και αντίστοιχος αριθμός αναφορών

1. D.Kapopoulos, M.Hatzopoulos, P.Stamatopoulos: Efficient Management of Persistent Knowledge, to appear Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol.19, pp.111-134, 2002.

2. M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos and Y.Cotronis:"Parallel Optimization of Large Join Queries with Set Operators and Aggregates in a Parallel Environment Supporting Pipeline" IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol.8, pp.429-445, 1996.

3. M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos and C.Vasilakis:"A Cost Model for the Estimation of Query Execution Time in a Parallel Environment Supporting Pipeline", Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.14, pp.341-368, 1996.

4. A.Tsalgatidou, C.Halatsis, M.Spiliopoulou and M.Hatzopoulos: "A Multimedia Title Development Environment (MTDE)", Information Processing & Management, vol.31, pp.101-112, 1995.

5. A.Tsalgatidou, C.Halatsis, M.Spiliopoulou and M.Hatzopoulos: "A Multimedia Title Development Environment (MTDE)", Information Processing & Management, vol.31, pp.101-112, 1995.

6. M.Vazirgiannis, K.Petrou, A.Tsompanidis and M.Hatzopoulos: "An Object Oriented Framework for Knowledge representation based on Fuzzy sets", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems Journal, vol.1, pp.265-278, 1993, Wiley.

7. M.Vazirgiannis, K.Petrou, A.Tsompanidis and M.Hatzopoulos: "An Object Oriented Framework for Knowledge representation based on Fuzzy sets", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems Journal, vol.1, pp.265-278, 1993, Wiley.

8. Spiliopoulou, M., Hatzopoulos, M., Vassilakis, C."Parallel Optimisation of Join Queries Using a Technique of Exhaustive Nature", Computers and Artificial Intelligence, vol.12,pp.145-166, 1993.

9. M.Hatzopoulos,M.Vazirgiannis and I.Rizos:"HADT: A Hypermedia Application Development Tool for Tourist Applications" European Journal of Information Systems, vol.2, pp.91-101, 1993.

10. D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'Comments on the paper-A short proof for the existence of the WZ factorization', Parallel Computing,vol.6 p.259, 1988.

Πέντε σημαντικότερες αναφορές  
Εθνικές και Διεθνείς διακρίσεις (οργάνωση συνεδρίων, μέλος οργανισμών κλπ.)  

1) D.Kapopoulos, M.Hatzopoulos, P.Stamatopoulos: Efficient Management of Persistent Knowledge, to appear Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol.19, pp.111-134, 2002.

2) Dimitris G. Kapopoulos, Michael Hatzopoulos. The Arc-Tree: A Novel Symmetric Access Method for Multidimensional Data. In A. Caplinskas and J. Eder (eds.): Advances in Databases and Information Systems. LNCS, Vol. 2151. Springer-Verlag, (2001) 294-307

3) S.McClean, J.Hong, B.Scotney, M.Hatzopoulos, and I.Karali: Using Intelligent Software Agents to Query Heterogeneous Distributed Statistical Databases, NTTS& ETK 2001, Hersonissos Crete, pp.769-774, 2001.

4) D. Kapopoulos, M. Hatzopoulos, P. Stamatopoulos. "An Efficient Storage Manager". Proceedings of the 2000 ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, LNCS 1884, pp. 331-338, Prague, 2000.

5) M. Vazirgiannis, D. Tsirikos, T. Markousis, M.Trafalis, Y.Stamati, M. Hatzopoulos, and T. Sellis " Interactive Multimedia Documents: a Modeling, Authoring and Rendering approach" Multimedia Tools & Applications, special issue on Authoring & Delivery of Multimedia Presentations, vol.23, pp.145-188, 2000.

6) D. Kapopoulos, Mike Hatzopoulos The Gr_tree: The use of Active Regions in G-trees, ADBIS'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1691, Springer, pp.141-155, 1999.

7) A. Pikrakis, T. Bitsikas, S. Sfakianakis, M. Hatzopoulos, D. DeRoure, W. Hall, S. Reich, G. Hill, and M. Stairmand. "Memoir - software agents for finding similar users by trails". In PAAM98. The Third International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents. March 23-25, London, UK, pages 453-466, Mar. 1998.

8) M.Hatzopoulos, I.Karali, E.Viglas "Attacking Diversity in NSIs' Storage Infrastructure:the ADDSIA Approach",NTTS'98, Sorento, pp.229-234, 1998.

9) M. Vazirgiannis, M. Trafalis, Y. Stamati, M. Hatzopoulos, "Interactive Multimedia Scenario: Modeling and Rendering", in the proceedings of the Multimedia track of ACM-SAC'98 conference.

10)M. Vazirgiannis, M. Trafalis, Y. Stamati, M. Hatzopoulos, "i-Mu.S.E. - Interactive Multimedia Scenario Editor", in the proceedings of the IEEE-MMDBMS '98 Workshop, pp.145-152, 1998.

12)D. Tsirikos, T. Markousis, G. Mouroulis, M. Hatzopoulos, M. Vazirgiannis, and G. Stavrakas, "A Client-Server Design for Interactive Multimedia Documents Based on Java.", in the proceedings of Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services Workshop IDMS ' 98, Oslo,September 1998 , Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 1483), pp.248-259.

13)Vazirgiannis, A. Rekkas, M. Hatzopoulos, "Automatic hypermedia document generation based on electronic mark-up text: the ILDIC case", ESDA'96, Montpellier, France, July 96.

14)M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos and Y.Cotronis:"Parallel Optimization of Large Join Queries with Set Operators and Aggregates in a Parallel Environment Supporting Pipeline" IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol.8, pp.429-445, 1996.

15)M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos and C.Vasilakis:"A Cost Model for the Estimation of Query Execution Time in a Parallel Environment Supporting Pipeline", Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.14, pp.341-368, 1996.

16)M. Vazirgiannis, M. Hatzopoulos, "Integrated Multimedia Object And Application Modeling based on events and scenarios" in the proceedings of 1st IEEE International Workshop for MMDBMSs, 8/1995, Blue Mountain Lake, NY (The Adirondacks)

17)M. Vazirgiannis, A. Kalousis, M. Hatzopoulos, "KNOWEL: A HYPERMEDIA KNOWLEDGE EDITOR", in the proceedings of DEXA '95 Conference, London, Sep. 1995.

18)M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos, F.Pentaris and F.Vilanakis:"A query processor operating over low resources on optical media", ICAST'95.

19)M.Spiliopoulou, Y.Cotronis, and M.Hatzopoulos: "Query Processing for Multimedia Applications on Optical Media", Information Processing Letters, vol.53, pp.301-306, 1995

20)A.Tsalgatidou, C.Halatsis, M.Spiliopoulou and M.Hatzopoulos: "A Multimedia Title Development Environment (MTDE)", Information Processing & Management, vol.31, pp.101-112, 1995.

21)A.Tsalgatidou, Z.Palaskas, C.Halatsis, and M.Hatzopoulos: "An Integrated and Customisable support system for building Hypermedia Training Applications", DEXA'94, Springer-Verlag, pp.540-549, 1994

22)A.Tsalgatidou, M.Spiliopoulou, K.Apostolaki, I.Roussou and M.Hatzopoulos "A hypermedia Tourist guide", ENTER'94,Springer-Verlag, pp.72-79,1994.

23)M.Vazirgiannis, K.Petrou, A.Tsompanidis and M.Hatzopoulos: "An Object Oriented Framework for Knowledge representation based on Fuzzy sets", Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems Journal, vol.1, pp.265-278, 1993, Wiley.

24)M.Vazirgiannis and M.Hatzopoulos: "A script Based Approach for Multimedia Applications", Multimedia Modelling Conference MMM'93, Singapore, 9-12/11/93, pp.129-141, 1993.

25)Spiliopoulou, M., Hatzopoulos, M., Vassilakis, C."Parallel Optimisation of Join Queries Using a Technique of Exhaustive Nature", Computers and Artificial Intelligence, vol.12,pp.145-166, 1993.

26)M.Vazirgiannis and M.Hatzopoulos: "Hypermedia and Knowledge Representation, an Object oriented design based on Fuzzy Algebra", Proceedings of SE&KE Conference, San Francisco, 1993.

27)M.Hatzopoulos,M.Vazirgiannis and I.Rizos:"HADT: A Hypermedia Application Development Tool for Tourist Applications" European Journal of Information Systems, vol.2, pp.91-101, 1993.

28)M.Spiliopoulou, M.Hatzopoulos'Translation of SQL Queries into a Graph Structure: Query Transformations and Pre-optimization Issues in a Pipeline environment, Information Systems, vol.17(2), 1992.

29)M.Hatzopoulos,M.Spiliopoulou and C.Vassilakis 'Using Parallelism and Pipeline for the Optimization of Join Queries', Proc. PARLE'92 Springer Verlag.

30)M.Hatzopoulos,D.Gouscos,M.Spiliopoulou,C.Vassilakis and M.Vazirgiannis 'An Object-Oriented Data Model for Hypermedia Systems', Proc. DELTA Conference, pp.483-493,The Hague 1992.

31)A.Gerbesiotis,M.Hatzopoulos and J.G.Kollias 'Towards an Optimal Allocation of Fragments of Relations',in Proc. EUTECO 88,Vienna April 1988, North-Holland Pub. Co.,pp.1093-1105,1988.

32)M.Hatzopoulos 'Distributed Aspects of Information Systems', in Proc. EUTECO 88,Vienna April 1988, North-Holland Pub. Co.,pp.1029-1049, 1988.

33)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'Comments on the paper-A short proof for the existence of the WZ factorization', Parallel Computing,vol.6 p.259, 1988.

34)J.Manolopoulos,M.Hatzopoulos and J.G.Kollias 'Sequential vs binary batched searching', The Computer Journal,vol.29,pp.368-372,1986.

35)M.Hatzopoulos 'Secondary Access Methods', in Relational Databases-State of the Art, Editor D.Bell, Pergamon Press,Chapter 8,pp.95-112, 1986.

36)M.Hatzopoulos N.Missirlis 'Advantages for solving linear systems in an asychronous enviroment', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol.12, pp.331-340, 1985.

37)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'Towards the optimal secondary index organization and index selection',The Computer Journal,vol.28,pp.524-529,1985.

38)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'On the selection of a reduced set of indexes', The Computer Journal,vol.28, pp.406-408,1985.

39)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'On the Optimal selection of Multilist Database Structures', IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,vol.SE-10, pp.681-687,1984.

40)M.Hatzopoulos 'On a set of problems isomorphic to the lock box location problem',Proc. EES/MECO conference,Athens,September 1983, pp.635-637.

41)V.J.Kollia,M.Hatzopoulos and J.G.Kollias'On the optimal incorporation of the differential file into a new generation of the database',Angewandte Informatik, Vol.26,pp.62-65,1984.

42)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias 'The handling of retroactive data for certain batch operations',MELECON'83, Athens,May 1983,vol.1.

43)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'A dynamic model for the optimal selection of secondary indexes',Information Systems,vol.8,pp.159-164,1983.

44)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'On the Application of Preconditioned Direct Methods' (Editor D.J.Evans), pp.401-423, Preconditioning Methods-Theory and Applications,Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,London 1983.

45)'A symmetric Parallel Linear System Solver', Int. Journal of Computers and Maths.,vol.13,pp.133-141,1983.

46)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'Maintaining the initial performance of a network structure', Angewandte Informatik,vol.24,pp.290-294,1982.

47)'Parallel linear system solvers for tridiagonal systems', in Proc. CREST conference on Parallel Processing Systems (Editor D.J.Evans), Cambridge University Press,pp.127-134,1982.

48)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'The determination of the optimum database maintenance points', The Computer Journal,vol.25,pp.126-129,1982.

49)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'Optimal policy for database backup and recovery', Information Processing Letters,vol.12,pp.55-58,1981.

50)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'Allocation of copies of s distinct files in an information network',The Computer Journal,vol.6,pp.197-201,1981.

51)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias'Criteria to aid in solving the problem of allocating copies of a file in a computer network', The Computer Journal,vol.24,pp.29-30,1981.

52)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias 'Database maintenance efficiency using differential files', Information Systems, vol.5,pp.319-321,1980.

53)M.Hatzopoulos,V.J.Kollia, and J.G.Kollias'The Application of a number of differential files to the maintenance of large databases', Angewandte Informatik, vol.23, pp.12-16,1981.

54)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias 'The reorganization of multilist database structures', Angewandte Informatik, vol.22,pp.424-426,1980.

55)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias 'Some rules for introducing indexing paths in a primary file', The Computer Journal, vol.23, pp.207-211, 1980.

56)M.Hatzopoulos, J.G.Kollias 'The file allocation problem under dynamic usage', Information Systems, vol.5, pp.197-201,1980.

57)A.Malakis, M.Hatzopoulos and J.G.Kollias 'Simulation of Hamiltonian circuits on graphs', IMACS Proceedings of the European Meeting on distributed Parameter and Large Scale Systems, North-Holland Pub. Co., pp.285-289, 1979.

58)A.Alexandridis,M.Hatzopoulos and J.Kollias 'Algorithms for detecting Symmetries in an image', Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conference on Information Sciences ans Systems, D.Reidel Pub. Co. vol.3, pp.38-45, 1979.

59)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'A parallel Linear System Solver', Int. Journal of Computers and Mathematics, vol.7, pp.227-238,1979.

60)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'The parallel calculation of the eigenvalues of a real matrix', Journal of Computers and Maths. with Applications, vol.4, pp.211-218, 1978.

61)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'A parallel Gauss elimination Algorithm for banded systems', Conference on Computational Aspects of the finite element method, Proc. pp.127-134, Imperial College, London 1975.

62)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'The solution of certain banded systems of linear equations using the folding algorithm', The Computer Journal, vol.19, pp.184-187, 1976.

63)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'On the direct solution of Pre-conditioned linear equations', Bull. of the Greek Math. Soc., vol.16,pp.30-44,1975.

64)D.J.Evans, M.Hatzopoulos 'A note on the LU factorization of a symmetric matrix',Comm. ACM,vol.19,pp.184-185, 1975.

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