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2. Nicolaidou, A., 1983. Life history and productivity of Pectinaria koreni Malmgren (Polychaeta). Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci. 17: 31-43.
3. Nicolaidou, A., M. Moraitou-Apostolopoulou and L. Ignatiades, 1983. A survey of estuarine benthic, zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities of Amvrakikos Gulf, Ionian Sea. Mar. Ecol. 4: 197-209.
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8. Nicolaidou, A. and M. Kostaki- Apostolopoulou, 1988. Growth of Abra ovata in a brackish-water lagoon. Vie marine, 9: 7-10.
9. Nicolaidou, A., F. Bourgoutzani, A. Zenetos, O. Guelorget and J.-MP. Perthuisot, 1988. Distribution of Molluscs and Polychaetes in coastal lagoons in Greece. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 26: 337-350.
10. Nicolaidou, A. and M. Karakiri, 1989. The distribution of Amphipoda in a brackish water lagoon in Greece. Mar. Ecol., 10: 131-139.
11. Nicolaidou, A., A.M.Pancucci and A. Zenetos, 1989. The impact of dumping coarse metalliferous waste on the benthos in Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Mar.Pollut. Bull., 20: 28-33.
12. Nicolaidou, A. and C-N. Papadopoulou, 1989. Factors affecting the distribution and diversity of polychaetes in Amvrakikos Bay, Greece. Mar. Ecol. 11: 193-204.
13. Nicolaidou, A. and J.A. Nott, 1989. Heavy metal pollution induced by a ferro-nickel smelting plant in Greece. Sci. Total Envir. 84: 113-117.
14. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. The cytology of heavy metal accumulations in the digestive glands of three marine gastropods. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 237: 347-362.
15. Panagopoulos, D. and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. A population of Desdemona ornata Banse 1957 (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) settled in a fully marine habitat of the Mediterranean. Oebalia, 15: 35-39.
16. Nott, J.A and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. Metals in gastropods: metabolism and bioreduction. Mar. environ. Res., 28: 201-205.
17. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1990. Transfer of metal detoxification along marine food chains. J.mar. biol. Assoc., U.K., 70: 905-912.
18. Nicolaidou, A. and J.A. Nott, 1990. Mediterranean pollution from a ferro-nickel smelter: Differential uptake of metals by some gastropods. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 21: 137-143.
19. Zenetos, A., F. Bei and A. Nicolaidou, 1991. Erratic occurrence of benthic fauna in a shallow Mediterranean area: an indirect effect of manmade disturbance. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 22: 618-622.
20. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1993. Bioreduction of zinc and manganese along a molluscan food chain. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 104a: 235-238.
21. Nicolaidou, A., A. Zenetos, M.-A. Pancucci and N.Simboura, 1993. Comparing ecological effects of two different types of pollution using multivariate techniques. Mar. Ecol., 14: 113-128.
22. Catsiki, A.B., F. Bei and A. Nicolaidou, 1994. Size dependent metal concentrations in two marine gastropods. Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol.,28: 157-165.
23. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1994. Variable transfer of detoxified metals from snails to hermit crabs in marine food chains. Mar. Biol. 120: 369-377.
24. Simboura, N., A.Zenetos, M.Thessalou-Legaki, A.Pancucci-Papadopoulou and A.Nicolaidou, 1995. Benthic communities of the infralittoral in the N. Sporades (Aegean Sea). A variety of biotopes encountered and analysed. Mar. Ecol. 16:283-306.
25. Reizopoulou, S., M. Thessalou-Legaki and A. Nicolaidou, 1996. Assessment of disturbance in Mediterranean lagoons: an evaluation of methods. Mar. Biol. 125: 189-197.
26. Nott, J.A. and A.Nicolaidou, 1996. Kinetics of metals in molluscan faecal pellets and mineralised granules, incubated in marine sediments. J.exper.mar. Biol. Ecol.197:203-218.
27. Kormas, K.A., M. Thessalou-Legaki and A.Nicolaidou, 1997. Is water column productivity in an Aegean embayment reflected to its benthic assemblages? In: Hawkins, L.E., S. Hutchinson, A.C. Jensen, M. Sheader and J.A. Williams (Eds.) The response of marine organisms to their environment. Univ. of Southampton, pp.143-151.
28. Nicolaidou, A. and J..A. Nott, 1998. Metals in sediment, sea grass and gastropods near a nickel smelter in Greece: Possible interactions. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 35: 360-365.
29. Kormas, K.A., K. Kapiris, M. Thessalou-Legaki and A.Nicolaidou, 1998. Quantitative relationships between phytoplankton, bacteria and protists in an Aegean semi-enclosed embayment (Maliakos Gulf, Greece). Aquat. Microb. Ecol 15: 255-264.
30. Gibbs, P.E., J.A. Nott, A. Nicolaidou and M.J. Bebianno, 1998. The composition of phosphate granules in the digestive glands of marine prosobranch gastropods: variation in relation to taxonomy. J. Moll. Stud. 64: 423-433.
31. Nicolaidou, A. and J.A. Nott 1999. The role of the marine gastropod Cerithium vulgatum in the biogeochemical cycling of metals. In: J.S. Gray et al (eds) Biogeochemical Cycling and Sediment Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. pp:137-146.
32. Pancucci-Papadopoulou, A., N.Simboura, A.Zenetos, M.Thessalou-Legaki and A. Nicolaidou 1999. Benthic invertebrate communities of NW Rodos (Rhodes) Island (SE Aegean Sea) as related to hydrological regime and geographic location. Israel J. Zool. 45: 371-393.
33. Simboura, N., Α. Nicolaidou and M. Thessalou-Legaki 2000. Polychaete communities of Greece: An ecological overview. Mar. Ecol.21: 129-144
34. Makra, A. and A. Nicolaidou, 2000. Benthic communities of the inner Argolikos Bay. Belgian J. Zool. 130 (Sup): 63-69.
35. Kormas, K.A., A. Nicolaidou and S. Reizopoulou, 2001. Temporal variations of nutrients, chlorophyll a and particulate organic matter in three coastal lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf (Ionian Sea, Greece). Mar. Ecol. 22: 201-213.